Our dentist and team recognize the profound impact a perfectly aligned smile can have on your professional and personal life. That is why we proudly offer Invisalign® treatment, a revolutionary approach to teeth straightening that merges seamlessly with your lifestyle. Our commitment is to transform your smile, enhancing not just its appearance but also your confidence.

Invisalign Treatment: A Seamless Journey to a Perfect Smile

Invisalign treatment brings a new dimension to orthodontic treatment, offering a discreet yet effective way to straighten teeth. This innovative system utilizes custom-made, nearly invisible aligners, making it an excellent choice for adults and teens who prefer a less noticeable orthodontic treatment.

Tailored Smile Enhancement With Invisalign Aligners

Your experience with Invisalign clear aligners at Englewood Dentistry begins with a comprehensive consultation. We take the time to understand your dental aspirations and assess your unique needs. Employing the latest in 3D imaging technology, we craft a bespoke treatment plan. Our skilled dentist will guide you through every phase, ensuring a smooth and informed journey to achieving your ideal smile.

The Benefits of Choosing Invisalign Treatment

  • Discreet Alignment: Virtually invisible aligners for subtle treatment.
  • Personalized Fit: Custom-made for comfort and effectiveness.
  • Lifestyle Compatibility: Easily maintain your daily eating and oral care habits.
  • Predictable Results: Advanced technology for precise smile planning.
  • Comfortable Treatment: A gentler option compared to conventional braces.

Begin Your Path to a Refined Smile

Elevate your smile with the Invisalign treatment in Englewood, New Jersey. Contact us at 201-541-8111 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Roshana Sherzoy and take the first step towards the smile you always wanted.

Invisalign and the Invisalign logo, among others, are trademarks of Align Technology, Inc., and are registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Frequently Asked Questions About Invisalign®

What makes Invisalign at Englewood Dentistry different from other orthodontic options?

Englewood Dentistry offers a unique Invisalign experience, leveraging advanced 3D imaging technology to create a customized treatment plan tailored specifically to your dental goals. Our expert team, led by Dr. Roshana Sherzoy, is dedicated to providing personalized care and support throughout your Invisalign journey, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction with the results.


How long will I see results when using Invisalign?

The pace at which you’ll notice changes with Invisalign depends on your unique dental situation and how consistently you are wearing your aligners. On average, patients may start to see noticeable improvements in their smile within a few months. However, the total duration of treatment typically ranges from 12 to 18 months. During your consultation at Englewood Dentistry, we will provide a more personalized timeline based on your orthodontic needs.


Can Invisalign clear aligners treat all kinds of teeth alignment issues?

Invisalign treatment is incredibly versatile and effective for a wide range of orthodontic issues, including gaps, overcrowding, crossbites, underbites, and overbites. During your initial consultation at Englewood Dentistry, we’ll examine your teeth and bite closely to see if Invisalign is the right orthodontic treatment for you.


What should I expect during my Invisalign consultation at Englewood Dentistry?

Your Invisalign consultation at Englewood Dentistry will begin with a detailed discussion about your dental health and aesthetic goals. Following this, Dr. Roshana Sherzoy and our team will perform a comprehensive dental examination, utilizing cutting-edge 3D imaging technology to assess your teeth and bite. We’ll then explain the customized treatment plan designed specifically for you, including the expected timeline, and answer any questions you may have about the process.


How do I care for my Invisalign aligners?

Keeping your Invisalign aligners in top shape is easy and essential. Just rinse them under warm water (avoid hot to prevent warping) and give them a soft brush for cleanliness. Always pop them out before enjoying meals or drinks, besides water, to keep them pristine. Don’t forget, that sticking to your daily oral hygiene routine plays a big part in your Invisalign journey too!